Regression Therapy

Regression Therapy

(Quantum Healing)

  Have we been here before? Can I change my genetic disposition?

Regression therapy can is a form of quantum hypnosis and has become a very popular and powerful healing tool.  It's achieved using the same principles of hypnotherapy, it will require a deeper level of trance and may take a few sessions to be fully open to it.  We can regress into your current life and correct any trauma and programming that no longer serves you or we can go beyond.

There are 2 forms of belief behind past life regression, it may be your past life or it may be ancestral memories stored in your DNA/Cells that are playing out in your current life.  My research into epigenetic's informed me that each of our cells are covered in a membrane that is similar to a computer chip! This is how we inherit the good, the bad and the ugly! Although I don't believe we are damned by our genetics, I do believe that we can switch them on or off and can potentially relive ancestral behaviour patterns and trauma. Of course there is also a belief that we have lived many times before and I am also open to this and have experienced past lives of which I could write off as creative thought, until the feelings come, they are very real, its difficult to dismiss them as pure fantasy!

Once you can establish this level of hypnosis there is a space that's often to referred to as the Quantum Space.  This is a space between lives and in that space we can access the all of everything and take information that may help us to obtain healing.  I have experienced this and it was the beginning of a healing journey that took place over a number of years.  The information I obtained continues to come to me and I have never looked back regardless of how crazy it seemed at the time.  I can't deny that I no longer have a, so called, incurable disease and I did most of it myself with a little help from facilitators of various forms of healing.

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